Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Well another great group! It was a totally enjoyable teaching this workshop and meeting you all. A Great Sunday in the City

©MMX JoAnne Kalish

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Lions, Tigers, and Monkeys...Oh my...

© MMX JoAnne Kalish
Bronx Zoo Workshop

The last time I was at the Bronx Zoo our son Dylan was maybe 6 years old and I remember loving it. Here it is many years later and we had a workshop at the zoo. It was thoroughly enjoyable, once again we had a great group. Unfortunately, we were a little surprised as there were some exhibits behind glass which was something we were not told about by Bronx Zoo PR people. In spite of this, I think we all got some great shots. The attached Tigers & Ebony Lampur Monkey was taken with a Sigma 300mm 2.8 and a 2x extender. Long fast lenses were the answer as always at the zoo.